This has got to be the most frequently asked question I have been asked this year and probably my career. Let's keep it clear and concise. Here is my answer:

Whether it's to lose weight, get toned or get ripped the amount of fat you wish to lose is a personal preference but the methods people adopt are varied and therefore the results change from one person to another. How much fat do you personally want to lose then?
The truth: There are three key variables which I call the golden trinity that dictate the level and speed of fat loss that occurs. You can't ignore one of them without the other. Successful fat loss and keeping onto your muscle doesn't occur by just cutting your meals in half or fasting which are potentially harmful. There is more to it than that, if it was that easy we would all have 6 packs. To understand the real science behind improving your body composition.
Calories: an amount of food having an energy producing value of one large calorie allowing you to exercise and create the physique you want.
Macronutrients: Calories are made up of proteins, carbs and fats broken down into percentages based on your needs for bulking, maintaining or cutting fat.
Gut Health: healthy or unhealthy food choices which dictate the bodies ability to digest and metabolise properly.

The first part of the golden trinity: Calories.
Counting calories are important. The amount of energy in food and drink is measured in calories and you need a sufficient amount of calories for your specific body to work and function properly but also train in or out of the gym effectively.
If you want to stay the same weight, the calories your body uses through function and exercise should be the same as the amount you consume. So it only makes sense if you want to lose weight then you would reduce your calories right? You're likely to lose weight if you eat and drink fewer calories than you use because your body uses stored fat for energy. To a certain degree this is correct. From a mathematical standpoint this is undisputable for overall body weight loss. Just remember your body is made up of water, muscle, fat and glucose. Incorrect calorie deficits can cause a lose of muscle and slow down fat metabolism. In addition you could be potentially wrecking your bodies hormones with stress and metabolism issues. This is why calories can't be the only variable you closely monitor.
So let's ensure your consuming the correct amount for your bodyweight vs exercise expenditure. Calorie information is given in Kcals which is short for kilocalories. It may also be given in KJ which is short for kilojoules.
As a guide:
An average man needs 2,500 kcal a day if he's 6ft, 14 stone and trains 3-4 times a week.
An average women needs 2000 kcal a day is she is 5ft 6in, 9.5 stone and trains 3-4 times a week.
Your own calorie count will be different based on your age, weight, height and how much exercise you do as they these variables dictate your overall metabolism and energy expenditure. Use a calorie calculator
When it comes to consuming the right amount of calories I your coach have 4 tips:
Check nutrition labels on food packaging for calorie information, this will be displayed under the "energy" heading.
Plan your meals and meal sizes, this can help you manage your calorie intake and prevent overeating.
Look for calorie information on restaurant and take away menus. Understand your daily calorie needs and stick to the limit or go under by no more than 15%. Anymore and you'll potential lose muscle, burn out, ruin sleep patterns and/or cause hormone production issues.
Remember your calorie requirements need to reflect your weight loss goal vs exercises intensity. Do you know how many calories your burning per day?

The second part of the golden trinity: Macronutrients.
With the greatest respect to all personal trainers and online coaches trying to make a living through Instagram and social media, when you advertise that the only thing that matters to getting ripped and having a chiselled physique is being in a calorie deficit - you are either lying and trying to make it sound easier than it is or you are uneducated. Calories as discussed is extremely important as it dictates the overall energy going in and out of the body however all personal trainers should be honest, direct and explain in detail about what these calories are made up of in terms of macros.
Macronutrients are proteins, carbohydrates and fats that make up the total sum of a persons total calorie uptake for the day. The amount and percentages of these three variables should be closely analysed and reviewed regarding goal setting: bulking, maintaining or cutting? This will decide what your macro % should look like. Someone who is in their correct calorie target but their macros are all wrong e.g. consuming high carbohydrate low protein percentage will likely not burn off all the sugars/glucose from their carbohydrates thus won't burn the body fat they wanted to. So its time to start measuring your three food sources.
*For general guidelines:
Goals | Proteins | Carbs | Fats |
Cutting | 40% | 25% | 30% |
Maintaining | 40% | 35% | 25% |
Bulking | 35% | 45% | 20% |
*Your percentages may differ as you may have a slow, medium or fast metabolism so experiment until you get this right. Protein should be 1.2 - 2.2 grams per kilogram of bodyweight. e.g. If someone weighs 100kg then you times that by 2.2 to get the maximum level of protein which is 220 grams of protein per day. As per the table protein needs go up and so do healthy fats if you want to cut fat as quickly as possible. You will still have energy but you are giving your body the right ingredients to build muscle but burn fat the quickest.
So have you actually analysed your macros? Sort of, maybe? It is best to either use a fitness app like my fitness pal and put in the foods you eat for the day to see what your macros are made up from or speak to a PT who has their own coaching platform to help you with this. Monitoring macros allows for a detailed understanding of the specific nutrients your body receives. Tailoring your diet will help meet individual needs therefore ensuring the body has the right ingredients for optimal performance and body composition results. It will minimise the risk of nutritional deficiencies and prolonging fat loss and muscle building goals.
Regardless of what method you choose, you'll see more pronounced mass gains, or more rapid fat loss, if you primarily focus on one goal at a time. Some people make the mistake of consuming 50-80% of carbs (sugars) and as little as 5-15% of protein because they haven't calculated their macros. The bodies ability to burn fat and build any muscle has been completely comprised. Do we get the point? No more blind or crash diets please.

The third part of the golden trinity: Gut Health (food choices)
So you have you calories target calculated and your macros balanced correctly for your goal. So are all good to go?
NO and far from it. So many people read rubbish online and think that they can eat whatever they want as long as their in their calorie limit. The body, the digestive system and the science of fat loss does not occur that way. You cannot eat processed food such as burgers and ice cream and think well that's my protein and carbs for the day!
Instead start focusing on these 4 long term strategies:
1. Eating correctly and healthy. Delete the Deliveroo app! Lose the burgers, pizzas, chips, deserts, crisps and booze from at least from your Monday – Friday diary. Behave!
2. Stop resorting to the extreme calorie deficit method to achieve your goals. If you do this you'll simply lose muscle, feel stressed, not perform in the gym and store fat more as your body becomes increasingly catabolic.
3. Eat a balanced PH level diet that includes plenty of alkaline foods such as leafy greens and vegetables. Stop relying on acidic calories which are processed.
4. Eating the correct amount daily of high quality protein from organic meat or plant based sources. Your protein and diet needs to include all the 20 amino acids to maintain good health and specifically 9 "essential" amino acids in order repair and build muscle properly.
The amount of fat you obtain is not ordained by your genes but rather your lifetime of habits with the 3 variables aka the golden trinity. You need to get your calorie counted, macros calculated and food choices organic and healthy only. These three measures will make your life alot easier with helping you achieve the dream body. Had a lifetime of laziness, the wrong choices and dishonesty with your diet? If so, time to let honesty and science of fat loss have it's day and start getting serious about these science proven research and results. Best piece of advice is learn how many grams of proteins, carbs and fats you need per day with digital weighing scales, stick to your macro percentages and calorie count with your new healthy food options. Good luck!

Hope enjoyed this article. If you have any questions about this article please reach out or comment.
Rick Gregory
Director of Health & Performance
07854 688477
Great stuff